Grandparent Adoptions
Although the thought of adopting your grandchildren may seem unusual, be assured there are millions of children in the United States whose grandparents are their primary caregivers. According to The Complete Adoption Book, about 5 percent of all children living with relatives live with their grandparents.
For more than 30 years, attorney Raymond Godwin has been guiding parents and grandparents through the complex and sensitive issues surrounding the adoption process. As an adoption attorney and adoptive father, Raymond Godwin can answer your questions about the adoption process and offer patient understanding relating to your fears about adoption.
Grandparents Step In When They Are Most Needed
More often than not, the family conditions that could lead to a grandparent adoption are not ideal. A birth parent’s drug addiction, trouble with the law, extended illness or death can lead grandparents to assume the role of parenting. In our experience, we’ve found that grandparents in South Carolina and across the country take on the role of a parent for reasons such as:
- Death of a parent
- Child abandonment
- Child abuse or neglect
- Teen pregnancy
- Incarceration
- Parental drug or substance abuse
- Mental health problems
- Poverty
Depending on the circumstances surrounding the birth parents, grandparent adoptions are generally less complex than other adoptions and usually processed more smoothly. In addition, South Carolina courts usually try to keep children with existing family members.
Building Families Through Grandparent Adoption
We work hard to understand the emotional decisions you may be facing as you consider grandparent adoption. You may be experiencing financial or health-related issues that you fear might hinder you from a successful adoption. Our office has guided adoptive couples through more than 2,500 adoptions by answering their questions and concerns just like yours.
If you are considering adoption as a means of keeping your family together, please be in touch with our firm. We are confident our legal ability can help you successfully accomplish your adoption goals. You can call our office in Greenville at 864-241-2883 or reach us online.